A century without the Savior?

April 2nd, 2008

How can there not be one word about Jesus in a newspaper story marking 100 years of worship services for a Denver-area church of Christ, Scientist, an article hundreds of words long and written by a well-established Christian Science practitioner?

The Mar. 27, 2008, story in YourHub.com, a print and online supplement to the Denver Post, notes the centennial of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Littleton, Colorado on Feb. 24. It makes mention of the Bible, the Lord’s Prayer, “God’s goodness,” “God’s benevolent laws,” “God’s constant presence and power,” “spiritual ideas,” “spiritual growth,” and “spiritual renewal,” and “Christian healing… through prayer” — but there is no reference to Jesus Christ.

The only person named is “the woman who discovered Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy.” Her name, interestingly, is also the only thing in the story to appear in bold-face type.

Jim Meyer, CS, who authored the piece, is known to me as a godly man with many years of experience in the healing practice and past service as Christian Science Committee on Publication for Colorado. In the latter position, Meyer had to publish and speak constantly on the church’s behalf for the information of the general public, so the absence of Jesus’ name from his article is unlikely to be inadvertent.

Instead, sadly, it reflects the marginalized position of the Savior in the theology and lives of Christian Scientists. It was the desire to have the Lord Jesus at the center of our lives and theology that led the sponsors of this website out of Christian Science and up to the foot of the cross. We encourage you to read our account of that journey in the Ananias letter on the left side of the home page.

The author can be reached at andrewsjk@aol.com

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