Archive for October, 2020

CS health claims don’t prove out

Tuesday, October 27th, 2020

I just learned of the untimely death of a prominent, well-loved CS figure in our community. One more sad reminder that Christian Science as we see it lived by devoted individuals across the world, across the generations, simply does not measure up as a reliable approach to health, wellness, and bodily dominion. (more…)

What converts can teach us

Monday, October 12th, 2020

As a convert of Jesus and as someone who seeks to make converts, I have begun reading the four gospels and the book of Acts as a marvelous collection of conversion stories. Think about it. Eleven of the apostles were converts, like the Magi before them. (more…)

‘Write the vision, make it plain’

Thursday, October 8th, 2020

Often in our Christian walk, we catch a glimpse of a vision that gives us hope that we can impact others in some meaningful way. In the moment, we rarely have a clue how our vision will ever become reality. But the vision eventually does become our reality as we aim to accomplish it; it becomes a piece of our story.  So it has been for me in publishing my first book, Leaving Christian Science.